Thursday, January 13, 2011

Faggot...?!? Did you just call ME a FAGGOT?!?

My guess is that just about everyone that happens to be reading this post has been called a faggot more than a time or two. Fuck, it seems to roll off peoples tongues, like juice off pickles.  But do the users even have a clue as to what they are, in actuality, calling us?

Probably not!

The Merriam-Webster defines it as follows;

Originally a contemptuous word for an old woman, stemming from the word fagot (a bundle of wood).
Also an archaic unit of measure (2' girth X 4' length)

Burning or smoldering piece of firewood or wrought iron
Bundle of sticks
Meatball made from pork
Term for gay male (used disparagingly)

I'm no fool, the word faggot means EXACTLY what the user has intended it for, but, I must say there is a certain symbolism that isn't all bad.

For example, is there a man alive, gay or not, who doesn't wish and pray for a 2 foot round cock, poking out 4 feet long?  Shit..  skewer my ass from end to end and turn me about, as I roast 'round that iron thick piece of fuck stick!  YeeHaw!

Second, when I'm all sexed up, fuck if I my iron hard piece of wood ain't smoldering sumpt'n fierce, as it lets loose fire balls of hot, seething cum from my spout.

Third, our cocks are so full of strength and girth, that it's not possible for us to be sporting just one little stick...gotta be a whole goddamn bundle of cocks shoved up ones ass!

Lastly, who doesn't love a little pork sausage in the morning; all plumped up and oozing its juices. DELICIOUS!

But, in the end, sometimes literally, it's meant to hurt and disparage us from loving ourselves for who and what we are; human beings. But just because it is meant to hurt, and it just might at that, like any germ, it's only effective if you, yourself give it the power to fester and grow within, eventually consuming the soul and killing the spirit from within ones own self. 

Take heart, my lovely friends.  First and foremost, love yourself for who and what you are, just as a person AND as a sexual being. Second, love those who love you back, free to explore whoever you are, yet safe in the knowledge that love, like a perfect circle, has no start or stop, just an infinite round of giving and receiving.  Lastly,  find peace and forgive those that shout thoughts of thoughtlessness. 

I love you all--



  1. Bravo Rafa, Bravo!! You tell 'em. Like I said before who is anyone to throw a stone? Excellent interpretation of the meaning.

    And true to form yet again an absolutely wonderful display of flesh. Especially the ones in the cars & the wet ones. haha

    ♥ You,

  2. yo :) i know you have really interesting blog, its good that you have decided to share it for all the world
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    i know together we will get more visitors =)
    - if you agree,write me please to @mail
    thanks for attention!! cya !

  3. Thanks Rafa, great post. I can't stand that term, it just sounds so gross and demeaning, i wish people wouldn't use that word.

    Have a great weekend mate.

    lotsa love Spartan X

  4. Thanks Corey Jo, your encouragement to speak my unedited mind, although somewhat of a frightening proposition, is what helps me to face my fears and to challenge myself to grow and work towards being comfortable with who I am.

    I know that it is just one stupid word, but after hitting the post button, I felt completely physically and mentally exhausted. Somehow, there is just SO much hate out there, putting down those 6 letters in just the right order, brings to life all the demons that want to beat me down and wreak havoc on my spirit. No matter how I try to diffuse the power it has, be it my silly banter or whatever, it seems to find a way to slice right through the bullshit and wrench a dagger of dread, true and deep, right into my gut.

    On a happier note, I agree with you on the pics; they're a right horny lot of pork sausaged, bundle of smoldering wood sticks, just a begg'n for some attention!

    Bless you and be well--


  5. Hey, Spartan, I hope that I didn't offend you in any way. It IS a gross word, but, at the same time, I absolutely refuse to hide from it or allow it to breath without facing it head on. The word exists, the belief that we are inherently bad because of our sexuality exists and the belief that we're somehow deserving to be dehumanized exists, and I just wont stand for it without a fight!

    I don't believe we'll ever change the mind of someone who's mind is already closed. And, for me, that's a tough nut to swallow. And you know how much a love a good nut!

    Blessedly yours and wishing you well--


  6. Hey, Fire-Bob, glad you're enjoying what I've been posting, and hope you become a regular. I've added all three of your links to my blog roll, and, in particular, I like your Sweet Muscle Boy Blog. What can I say, I am a complete whore for the right kinda muscle sprouting about in all the right places!



  7. LOL, GREAT POST! Both your commentary AND the photos!

    My grandmother used an expression about being tired: "I'm all fagged out!" LOL

    XO FFB

  8. Bless you FFB!

    I was finding myself getting so upset about the stupid word, I almost forgot all about the good humor and delicious pork sausage which was, of course, the important part of my post.

    Thank you for putting a smile on my lips, and thanks to me for the lump in my jock!

    Bless you're good heart--

