Is it really Heaven above and Hell deep below, or is it really the very same place, just two sides of the very same face?
Just read right below, as I try for my case:
"One man's Heaven is another man's Hell", is an often used old proverb, but what does it really mean? I say it's all about perception, how you see yourself and the world about, and what you do with what you have, is the deciding factor in your ability to live in the lap of Heaven or the depths of Hell.
Love, laugh and be solvent and you're living in Heaven! Hate, berate, and wallow in bad debt, and fuck if you ain't, living in Hell!
Are the 10 Commandments the key to getting into Heaven or a way to BE the very essence that is Heaven on Earth?
1) No other God, because God, himself, is the spirit that drives who and what you are. No need for another.
2) No false idol is needed, God is your spirit; He can be touched from within, yet He is boundless and cannot be carved into the physical.
3) Don't take the Lord's name in vain, as you, in essence, are taking your own name in vain. (I know, glass houses...Shit, I gotta work on this one)
4) Remember the Sabbath. Work hard, challenge yourself, always look to grow, but remember to rest and take in ALL that you do, and take strength from what you have created in your life.
5) Honor your mother and father, and by doing so, honor yourself, from which you were created.
6) You shall not murder. Hello?!? Duh, not nice...
7) You shall not commit adultery. "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one your with..."
8) Don't steal. Love what you have, not that of others, and you will have peace in your heart.
9) Do not bear false witness against your neighbor. Lying gets you no where, but stuck in the mud (or, I guess, the depths of Hell...right?)
10) You shall not covet... Wanting what others are or have, is poison to the soul. Wanting and loving who and what you are will fill you to the brim with love, friendship and richness of spirit; raising you to the Heavens that exist right here on earth!
Go against these commandments, and live both your life and your death in the abyss that is Hell.
Ok, my high horse, and onto my lust filled, horny ass'd heart...
Five pics down Rafa! that's the Spartan's fave for the day!
ReplyDeleteBum cheeks with those straps from his jock right up between them!
Ooohhh AAAhhh! that's rude!
great stuff mate!
Spartan X
Oh, my sweet, sweet Spartan, gotta love those jocks with the ass open wide and the strap dug in deep, making my cock jump forth and to leap.
ReplyDeleteMay your winter be filled with a frothing, hot it shoved down your throat or fucked up your ass, egg that dick on to put it's hips on the gas!
Powerful words in this post Rafa. You're contemplating something. There's our athlete with erection and his buddy in the previous pic with a beautiful steel hard prick, STAY AWAY FROM THAT FIRST ONE. "DEADLY". I'd like to help the last dude out. Instead of the meat substitute, how about the "REAL THING"?
ReplyDeleteTo his royal hornicator.
Hey, Denis, don't worry 'bout that first one, just feed him your diggleberrys, hanging low from your ass, and he'll be your friend forever. No worries 'bout him biting at your cock, he only eats ass!