Monday, February 28, 2011

A Gosh Darn Shame!!!

Since beginning my blog last June, I have had the pleasure of getting to know many wonderful people, that have been a blessing to me both as a horned up blogger and as friends, sharing thoughts, laughs and life's bumps and bruises.

Signing in this morning, I have learned that FFB, with his FlipFlopsBoy and Poses: Drunk and Wearing Flip Flops on 5th Ave,  have been shut down.  For those of us who follow, it is a sad day indeed, as both had a unique and creative way of showing off his wonderful personalty and creative flair, through pictures, words and feelings.  I can only hope that everyone who misses these two blogs, will send your thoughts and prayers his way, and maybe even a quick e-mail, if you have his addresses, prodding him to continue with a new blog, assuming, of course, he does not get reinstated.

Below is a post from FFB, that he has asked several of us to post for him:

To All Loyal FlipFlopsBoy Fans and Readers:
By now you may know that my blogs, FLIPFLOPSBOYII and POSES, cannot be accessed.  This time my entire Google account has been suspended.  Therefore I cannot even access the blogs privately, the Picasa web album, or my gmail account.
I am following the advice of Jeff and Brent over at GOOGLE BLOGGER CLOSES GAY BLOGS, and they are being most helpful and supportive, as well as all my other wonderful blogging buddies.  I will attempt over the next few days to have my account reinstated.  Please keep your fingers crossed!
If that doesn't work, I may take a hiatus, but I promise it will be short.  I will be back, somewhere.  This endeavor is too important to me creatively and erotically.  They may slap my flops off, but I have dozens of pairs!
Love to all, FFB
I, of course, will do my best to update everyone that doesn't know directly, and will, undoubtedly add anything he creates, be it sooner or later, to my blog roll.  
We also, narrowly escaped losing Coreys' Dark Corner and other unreachable regions, but has miraculously been reinstated...surely due to my many prayers, of course! 

So, with that said, FUCK Blogger for taking him down!  FUCK Blogger for giving no reason as to why!  FUCK 'EM, FUCK 'em, FUCK 'EM!!!  Our message will be heard with or without Blogger...We're here, we're queer, will take a dick in the rear from a big 'ol fat steer!
I already miss him, but, in dedication to all that he has done to inspire me, please see below for today's batch of pics. 

Friday, February 25, 2011


Wishing everyone a marvelous weekend...C Y'ALL NEXT WEEK!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

It's A Pole...It's a Pillar...NO, IT'S SUPER COCK

Faster than a fly to shit...
More powerful than any damn ditch digging machine...
Able to fuck tight assholes with a single THRUST...

I AM... Dun, Dun, DUN...SUPERCOCK!!