Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Smok'n 'N Pok'n

Smoke me 'N Poke me, feeling so good
Rock me 'N Roll me, thrusting your wood

Ooh me 'N Aah me, moving in time
Squish me 'N Squash me, shooting our slime

Spank me 'N Thank me, then put me to bed
Sleep like a baby, now that I've been fed.


  1. Do me 'N Screw Me
    Nail Me To The Bed
    Then Hold Me & Love Me
    That's What I Said!

    Love, FFB

  2. Hey, FFB, that's awesome!!

    A picture is powerful, that's no doubt - worth a thousand words, that's a true fact. But string me some words worth a thousand pictures; worth a thousand words each (!?!), that's the place I'm looking to reach.

    Loved the poem! Thanks for the wonderful gift of your words.
