Thursday, March 29, 2012

Haiku Monday WINNER!!!

This past Monday, I entered a couple haiku for a contest I play most weeks with some fellow bloggers.  This past week's host "claims" that my "win" was for my haiku that follows:

Tap-pity tap...CRACK
Life breaks through protective shell
Dines on unborn prey

However, I do believe the haiku that actually put me over the edge and into the winner's circle is as follows (I'm sure she'll never admit to it, but proof is in the pudd'n...and this is some damn good pudd'n)

Rooster's in the HOUSE
Jack ass lays no eggs

For anyone interested in participating in the competition that I will be hosting, you can go HERE to check out all the poems and, perhaps, even enter your own.  The rules are thus...It must be a haiku.

For those that have been following me, I'm doing well, but have been quite busy of late.  In addition, Mark has found himself with a promotion and the ability (combined with desire) to work MUCH closer to home on a regular basis.  The result being much more time being spent play'n house and doctor and all kinds of manly type games!  

I do have some different writings that I've been picking at, but nothing but short haiku type-a crap is seeming to stick as of late.  I know I still owe y'all the story of my weekend in the desert, and that is first on my list to throw down the ol' piper!!

That's all for now, but please don't lose faith in me, I promise to keep up and get around to visiting some of my most favorite of blogs soon.  

Be well and horny--

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Lost & Found

For those that have already read this on Typer, I AM SORRY!  I don't normally like to repeat myself, but a friend of mine suggested it might be a poem worth posting again.  I hope that it shows  a sense of loss that many of us go through as we grow into men (or women) and that following your heart, no matter the ache, will eventually lead you in the right direction for YOU.

It is, perhaps, a bit self indulgent, but healing is a funny business.  As the wounds begin to scab around the edges of my past, I've found myself with an all consuming itch.  Scratching just heats it up all the more, thus I am compelled to set them free and SHARE!

Also, I had an interesting past weekend, and I will try to let it breath on an upcoming post cumming your way.

Be blessed with SMILES (and a rock hard cock poke'n at your most pliable of holes; a.k.a YOUR ASS)--


Lost & Found:  

From the lack of love
I could not give myself

From the hate and doubt
I reveled at my wounds

From the drugs and booze
I knew not who I was

I threw my heart away
Left it in the gutter

Anyone was welcome
To do as they felt fit
I did not care who grabbed it
Or what abuse they'd meter
I felt that's what my sin deserved
Hell, my only ticket

A boy that said he loved me
Tossed me to the wolves
Said I needed to find myself
Decide who the Hell I was
Crumbling from the pressure
Nor having a damn clue
I used my flesh to make new friends
I writhed in their attentions
Yet once the deed was done
Their desires taken from me
I was left to fend alone
Clean myself and go

Did I hit the bottom
THAT, I do not know
When a person's down so low
One can never tell
Was I at the rock
Did I have it in me
To scrape a little more

All that I can say
Is as my heart was bounced around
It finally came full circle

I gave it to my love
Without a care for what he did
Or how he chose to own it

Not only did he nurture it
Bring it back to health
Knowing that without a heart
I would surely die
He gave to me his healthy one
(how, I do not know)
Knowing I would not do to his
What I willingly did to mine
