Monday, April 18, 2011

The Fish, The Spear & The Great Sword

The fish was the dish, but the spear was a queer

When she would come near, he'd pretend to not see 'er, quick to the right, off he would veer.

Never to mate, alone he would bate, never to fear that she would EVER be late.

Then one day, along came a great sword, made that damn spear as hard as a board!

Around and around, they grappled and swam...wham, bam and SPANK YOU Sweet Sam

Right into his backside, spear thought that he had died.

Moral of the story...?

The early bird may get her worm, but a fish out of water is just stinky!



  1. You have got to be kidding me. Damn It, I can't stop laughing. I almost choked to death when I saw the title!

    You my friend are diabolical. I don't even know what else to say 'cuz I'm still laughing. I swear I can't say anything without it getting turned around on me. You must be feeling better, that's the only time you pussy bash! hahaha

    Damn, I think I might love your mind more than I lust after your silly gay ass!


    p.s. I'll take #'s 6, 7, & 12 please and thank you.

    p.s.s. And I keep telling you it's Peaches & Cream baby!!!!

  2. LOL! what a hoot! You know there's only two things that smell like fish! and one of them is fish, the other one? well i'm too polite to say it! LOL!

    Great post Raf, great lines and what a great carry on between you and CJ!

    lots love Spartan


    *grumbles*→(damn penises smell one rotten pussy in their life and the rest of us get labeled)*humph*

  4. Hey, Corey Jo, Diabolical? Please, ask any good Christian, and I am the lust filled heart of the Devil's spawn, shat right from his red ripened asshole.

    You only love my mind more, as you've never tasted the fruits of my silly gay ass. Otherwise, my head would be so far up your ass, you'd think I only had shit for brains!


    P.S. Really, Corey Jo...peaches and cream? REALLY?!? Why, then, when my stick was stuck up the Sailor's tight ass (btw, is he really that tight, or do I just cum that big?) was he mumbling something about an oily ditch and soured cream?

  5. Hey, Spartan, you are a better man than I, my friend. Somehow, I see that line, I know, deep down, I should stay on my own damn side. Yet, what do I do every single FUCKING time? I don't just cross it, I jump right the fuck over it and into a deep and dirty mire of filth. I don't know, I just can't seem to stop myself.


    P.S. If fish were my wish, then I'd smell of fish. With man in my can, I am what I am! Hot diggety damn... tan my hide and give me a RIDE!


    I've been out of practice for so long I got NUTHIN'!! Don't worry, I'm gonna go lick my wounds and rest up for the next battle. I must be a masochist, I just keep coming back for more. lol

    'Til the next battle Darling

    Love you

    p.s. Kristen told me to tell you "Fuck you and your cottage cheese spewin' ass". All in love of

  7. Well...aren't you two each a tight pair of panties, one drop short of bloodied mess. You two ever hear of Motrin? 'Sposed to help when Aunt Flow comes to town!

    For the record, I do get IT! It's called a shitter for a reason, girls. Funny thing, though, if it tastes too good going down, it's a nasty, smelly shit going out. But, if it tastes like shit to start, nutt'n but a perfectly formed, tight turd...plop, plop plop with nary a smell, no residue, can't even tell that I went to the loo!


  8. You are so gross! So why oh why am I laughing and snorting?!? I told her it wouldn't phase you and that you'd have some shittly smart-assed come back.

    Even though we (you & I) are gross and crude and rude to each other, I wouldn't change a thing Darling. You really do make me smile & laugh when I need it the most.

    I can't Thank You enough

  9. LOL! What ever one else said...DITTO!

    Love you!


  10. Holy Fuck Rafa. What words you've cum up with. HAHAHA. Love it and your rebuttal is riddled with bite and to the point. There is absolutely no malice in my words just Good fun all round and spank me wham bam.
    BTW the dude on the flowered spread must have a double close by me. WOW he's got excellent genes right down to his bulge.


  11. Hey, FFB, glad I was able to pull you away from all your craziness to share in a laugh (or two).

    Hope you're well!

    Happy Easter, my friend--


  12. Oh, beautiful Denis, I always know you have no malice. Deep down we're both lovers, not fighters. It's just that it's so much damn fun fucking after a good fight, I just can't stand myself!


    P.S. I don't know about the genes, but the bulge is cocktastick!

  13. Again...SERIOUSLY?!?

    You got nothing?!?

