Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Red Cocks Are Cumming!

The Red Cocks are cumming!
The Red Cocks are cumming!
Open your shitter and push out with your core
Guide them right into you cum slickened back door
Come on, BITCH, you know you're a whore
Don't wanna hear that you're too fucking soar!

The Red Cocks are cumming!
The Red Cocks are cumming!
angry and flaring
searing and hot
Not asking permission
Shove it right up your pot!
Not wanting forgiveness
just taking their shot!

The Red Cocks are cumming!
The Red Cocks are cumming!
Ride them thar ponies
They ain't no damn phonies
They're thick and they're hard 
and they're as real as can be
If you don't want 'em, give 'em to ME!

The Red Cocks are cumming!
The Red Cocks are cumming!
They're riding my trail
and fucking my tail
How can they be both hammer and nail?
They've driven the tracks
Filled in all of my cracks
Oh My LORD, they're ALL blowing their stacks!!

The Red Cocks have cum!
The Red Cocks have cum!
Cum flew here
Cum flew there
From up high on my nose to my cum curling toes
Hose after hose, waggled then froze
Bobbled and rose through orgasmic throes
Dumped into my face and onto my bum
they came and they came 
'till they were dizzy and dumb
All of them came in one big lump sum!

Yet, my question today, 
is not from where did they cum?
But, where did they GO?!?
My ass is so hungry, I NEED TO KNOW!!



  1. I know I always say this, and I mean it every time, but...I LOVE IT!!

    A great poem paired with delicious photos! What more could a girl want, other than a silly ass gay man!! lol

    Great stuff Darling

  2. Corey Jo,

    Too bad you don't have the equipment to properly care for my silly ass gay self. But...if you can't have the real thing, a good mind fuck certainly has a way of clearing the way for more cum to cum!


    P.S. I get that you loved it, but was it worth losing a rhymerific comment?

  3. Well, you know, I do like seeing you post, but....I really was saddened to the point of eating carbs that I didn't get a ditty to diddle to on my blog. :( But that's okay, I knew before hand that you were selfish. Always thinking ME ME ME, and never about us others! *wink*

  4. Come on now, Corey Jo, you should already know... selfish fucks make for the best fucks on earth!

    In taking our own pleasure to new and lofty heights, we ALWAYS bring those we be fucking right along with us for a cum sloppy ride through Heaven & Hell!

    Bronc a cowboy and ride a pony,
    turn that dick into limp macaroni--


  5. Fat lot of good that does me if I don't have a penis! At least as far as you're conserned.

    and BWahahaha on the 2 liner.

  6. If I wasn't so damn selfish, maybe I'd give a FUCK!

    But, you are right, without that cock and a hard, rounded man ass... NO FUCK FOR YOU!!!

    I'd play you a tune on the world's smallest violin, but, like every cockstanding, card carrying gay man, I play without strings!

    I swing to the music, as I ring me some bells!
    I blow me a tuba and bang on a drum,
    but the only string is the rope from my cum!


  7. Red Cocks a'flaring
    some think may be daring
    In my hole they are tearing!

    And oh I am swearing
    at this nasty pairing
    I won't be sharing!

    For red cock's a flaring
    are for all I am caring
    and for them I am raring!

    At those big dicks I'm staring
    want my hole they be wearing
    their love I am bearing!

    XO FFB

  8. Hey FFB,

    Flopp'n and bopp'n
    My cock it be topp'n
    so your ass can be slopp'n!

    I do love me a cock so red and angry, it turns purple with lust! When you see that, you KNOW... good things aren't just on the rise, but spouting out the top and all the fuck over the place!

